alternative suburbs
Here's an explanation of urban sprawl and it's associated transportation problems from the Smart Growth BC website mentioned in a previous post:
Sprawl is poorly planned development characterized by the conversion of natural or agricultural land to low-density residential suburbs, commercial centres, and business parks, all separated from one another by roads and parking lots. It means longer distances between homes and work or shopping and heavy reliance on roads and cars. The “convenience” store is now a five-minute drive away, not a five-minute walk.
Because of the low densities and scattered destinations, public transit is often inconvenient and infrequent and heavily subsidized. The over-reliance on cars is supported by huge government subsidies for road building. High investment in road infrastructure induces more car ownership increasing congestion and air pollution.
It seems unlikely to me that this is what most people in Summerland want, yet somehow it seems that we often close our eyes to the bigger picture when it's our next house at stake. The options seem to be dull boxy apartments/townhouses or bigger suburban houses, aside from the areas closer to downtown that have older bungalows. I like to think that many current and future residents would welcome alternatives along the lines of this "cottage style" development in Langley, WA. (background article on Langley WA). I'm certainly not advocating a new cottage style theme or trying to match the current Old English scene, rather it's the size and configuration that are unique and could inspire collaboration.
For those interested in building/zoning issues, here is a sample code that pertains to this development. I have no idea how it corresponds to our OCP because I don't have it for reference and don't have expertise in zoning. Does anyone know if there are any provisions for this type of development or who might be willing to take a risk in doing it?
Sprawl is poorly planned development characterized by the conversion of natural or agricultural land to low-density residential suburbs, commercial centres, and business parks, all separated from one another by roads and parking lots. It means longer distances between homes and work or shopping and heavy reliance on roads and cars. The “convenience” store is now a five-minute drive away, not a five-minute walk.
Because of the low densities and scattered destinations, public transit is often inconvenient and infrequent and heavily subsidized. The over-reliance on cars is supported by huge government subsidies for road building. High investment in road infrastructure induces more car ownership increasing congestion and air pollution.
It seems unlikely to me that this is what most people in Summerland want, yet somehow it seems that we often close our eyes to the bigger picture when it's our next house at stake. The options seem to be dull boxy apartments/townhouses or bigger suburban houses, aside from the areas closer to downtown that have older bungalows. I like to think that many current and future residents would welcome alternatives along the lines of this "cottage style" development in Langley, WA. (background article on Langley WA). I'm certainly not advocating a new cottage style theme or trying to match the current Old English scene, rather it's the size and configuration that are unique and could inspire collaboration.
For those interested in building/zoning issues, here is a sample code that pertains to this development. I have no idea how it corresponds to our OCP because I don't have it for reference and don't have expertise in zoning. Does anyone know if there are any provisions for this type of development or who might be willing to take a risk in doing it?
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Jeremy, at 10:26 a.m.
Thanks for the excellent sprawl definition, Tannis. I love the spirit of the development you linked to -- I think we often lack examples of great alternatives to the status quo subdivisions. There's no question that there would be huge interest in that kind of "pocket neighbourhood" in Summerland, but we'd still have to find somewhere to put them -- ideally they'd be close enough to town to walk to amenities, without ripping out orchards.
I'm also fond of rowhouses instead of the usual apartment block condos, especially when they're in urban areas and front the street and sidewalk, so they're integrated properly.
Jeremy, at 10:32 a.m.
I like the rowhouse idea as well and respect the fact that someone bothered to paint them with actual colours rather than the usual white and grey palette. It immediately adds life to them.
Tannis, at 11:58 a.m.
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