Committee Summaries, Meeting April 27th
At our first public meeting, those attending broke into smaller committee groups to discuss the areas of Publicity, Internal Communications, Membership, Research, and Questions for the Open House. Each committee gave a brief summary of their discussion to the whole group. We came up with some great ideas and have set some short and medium term goals for the direction of the Association. Here's what we came up with:
- Weekly column in the Review, Western, Herald, etc.
- Word of Mouth is key; possible contest for incentive, door to door canvassing
- Bumper Stickers
- Notice Boards
- Website and E-mails
- Importance of uniform material
- Stress the major issues: Water, Community character, ALR, habitat preservation
- Set up a budget
- Radio or TV interviews; CBC, CHBC, etc.
- sponsor our own "All Candidates Meeting" for the next election
- Encourage representatives of the agricultural community to run in the next election
- Encourage those from the agricultural community to vote
Internal Communications
- Use of this website as a communication tool and to inform as to Association news
- Phone committee for those not on e-mail for important information such as meeting dates
- Notice boards downtown may be useful
- Each committee should have a facilitator that would strive for consensus
- Possible separate blog site for dialogue and discussion so it is not confused with the official Association news
- Periodic newsletter done through web, e-mail, mailout or fax
- Schedule regular general and committee meetings
I like the idea of the contest to get more members. How about a free membership for anyone who signs up an additional 10 members??
Anonymous, at 7:27 p.m.
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