Thirsk Dam Expansion Loan
The Municipality intends to borrow $6,000,000 to increase storage at Thirsk dam. It will be paid for by a tax of $125 per parcel per year for 20 years. Why must everyone pay? We have enough storage for the present population. Why should Summerland old timers on pensions pay one nickel for increased water storage which is only needed to service new homes?
New homes will create the need for additional water, so shouldn't they pay for the dam work through appropriately calculated Development Cost Charges?
New homes will create the need for additional water, so shouldn't they pay for the dam work through appropriately calculated Development Cost Charges?
I could be wrong, but isn't the Thirsk expansion just a temporary solution to our water problem? I seem to remember an engineer with the company that did the study being quoted as saying that the expansion would only offer enough water for our community now. Especially during a three year drought cycle. If someone had a copy of the report prepared by Urban Systems, it may have the data or recommendations that support that fact. If that is the case then the comment on CHBC news today by our Mayor is incorrect. He apparently claimed that the water needs will be met with our new water treatment plant (didn't know the new plant will manufacture water as well as treat it) and the Thirsk Dam expansion. I wonder if Pete Rodd would be able to offer up some information on that?
The expansion project seems to be a way of giving the voters a false sense of security that all is under control and we don't need to be concerned about the water quantity crisis. I don't believe it and would like to hear from the engineers on this and not the council or Mr. Parliament.
Laura Dean
Anonymous, at 9:14 p.m.
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