Inadequate Engineering Reports?
At Monday's SCEDT All Candidates Forum David Gregory said something like "To me, one of the biggest problems in this town is lousy engineering reports." I asked David for an example of his concerns. What follows is, I am told, a sample part page from the recent Water Separation Study - with worrying part emphasised. Let's hope major decisions are not being made on the basis of such work!
District of Summerland - Water Separation Notes
Estimate the required storage tank volume
The total residential MDD (including lawn sprinkling) for the potential lake zones I. approximately 6,1 ML/day.
Assume only low density residential fire flow requirements.
• Fire Storage — 5000 Lpm x 106 mm • 525 cu.m.
• Peaking Storage m 6100 ou.m x 0.25 a 1525 cu.m.
• Emergency Storage 0.25 x (525 + 1525) • 512 cu.m. Total tank storage (TF.4) .525 + 1525 + 512 • 2563 ou.m. Use 2560.
Note: The water model has become unsynchronized with its database, and for some reason, It will not correct itself. Therefore, it’s necessary to go back to an older version that is synchronized.
Therefore the following models have been put into a historical folder and a copy of
SummerlandGZ’20050541 .wcd was saved as Summ,rlandGZ.2005.06’~03,Wcd. SummerlandGZ~2005~06’01 .wcd
This means that two day’s worth of work has been lost, Including the elevation update.1 2005-0603
South Giant’s Head — Potential System
b~ G/en Zachari I
District of Summerland - Water Separation Notes
Estimate the required storage tank volume
The total residential MDD (including lawn sprinkling) for the potential lake zones I. approximately 6,1 ML/day.
Assume only low density residential fire flow requirements.
• Fire Storage — 5000 Lpm x 106 mm • 525 cu.m.
• Peaking Storage m 6100 ou.m x 0.25 a 1525 cu.m.
• Emergency Storage 0.25 x (525 + 1525) • 512 cu.m. Total tank storage (TF.4) .525 + 1525 + 512 • 2563 ou.m. Use 2560.
Note: The water model has become unsynchronized with its database, and for some reason, It will not correct itself. Therefore, it’s necessary to go back to an older version that is synchronized.
Therefore the following models have been put into a historical folder and a copy of
SummerlandGZ’20050541 .wcd was saved as Summ,rlandGZ.2005.06’~03,Wcd. SummerlandGZ~2005~06’01 .wcd
This means that two day’s worth of work has been lost, Including the elevation update.1 2005-0603
South Giant’s Head — Potential System
b~ G/en Zachari I