What Would Make You Leave Summerland?
Tom Lancaster got one group thinking about what was good about Summerland by posing the question differently. He asked the group to think about "What Drastic Change Would Make You Want to Leave Summerland?"
This hard hitting question provoked some soul searching, with the following results:-
This hard hitting question provoked some soul searching, with the following results:-
- Population increase
- Downtown died
- Water shortages
- Uncontrolled ugly development
- The urbanisation of areas that presently are rural
- Easy access to wilderness was lost
- Huge increase in traffic
- Lawlessness - no safety
- No employment available in the area
We have a "perfect storm" brewing here in Summerland, given the drop in population, economic growth, land price manipulation, and interest by industry in investing here.
It doesn't take a "Rhodes Scholar" to understand who is responsible for this mess!
Anonymous, at 1:10 a.m.
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