Association of Citizens for Summerland

Sunday, February 06, 2005

my soapbox

Since Jeremy was kind enough to lay bare his bias in the first post, I'd like to do the same. I've been learning about a planning and policy framework called The Natural Step and it's the kind of policy making that is as close to my vision of ideal as I've come across. It's a system that was pioneered in Sweden with the goal of making municipalities as self-reliant and environmentally sensitive as possible.

If we're working on a long range vision for our town, which it seems an Official Community Plan should, why not aim high? Towns like Whistler and Canmore have adopted this framework for making decisions that takes into account the environmental impact of all development, including utilities and services.

One thing I really appreciate about this approach is that it is very green but is not at odds with town growth or good business. Something like this could really help Summerland stand out from other Okanagan destinations. To see case examples of how the method has been used, check out a copy of the book The Natural Step for Communities: how cities and towns can change to sustainable practices, by James, Sarah, and Lahti, Torbjorn, which is available through the Okanagan Regional Library.

On a final note, wouldn't it be a relief to both council members and citizens at large to know that decisions were being made and measured by a few clear guiding principles, rather than on a case by case basis, depending on who makes it to meetings? It would take enormous effort to establish but it could become a platform for council and citizens to work together more effectively. If there is an agreed upon yardstick to compare each decision to then the heat is taken off of council to personally justify an unpopular move, they can discuss the way it relates to the principles. Citizens with concerns could take them to council and point out how they feel a particular issue violates the principles, rather than taking a more personal route of attack.


  • I love this focus on establishing a better framework for the future. It's idealistic, but why not start with an ideal vision and see what it would take to move towards it?

    By Blogger Jeremy, at 11:23 p.m.  

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