ACS: Next Presentation
. . . If you eat, you are involved in Agriculture!
Join us in an informative presentation followed by a
question and answer session on the importance of
Agricultural lands in BC’s future!
July 20 Wednesday 7:30 pm
Summerland Center Stage Theatre
Admission for non member by donation
For more information please contact John Cuthbert
( 250 494-7975 )
Guest Speakers~~~ DAVE SANDS & BARRY SMITH
Both speakers have extensive backgrounds and experience in Agricultural Resource and Land use management. Their passion, commitment and dedication to Agriculture continue in their volunteer work and membership in the ALR Protection and Enhancement Committee.
Dave Sands, BSc., P.Ag., is a sustainable agriculture advocate who recently retired as Regional Director for the South Coast Region after 30 years with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. He was the manager for the Commission’s farmland lease program and conducted land evaluations and fine tuning for the ALR. Dave also chaired the Green Zone Committee which developed Codes for agricultural practices for farmers for the protection of the environment and the right to farm legislation. In 1996, Dave Sands was awarded “Agrologist of the year” by the Institute of BC Agrologists and is a founding member of the Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation”
Barry Smith, BES, MA, is a land use planner who has focused on planning issues largely in rural and agricultural settings. From 1981 until 2004 when he retired, Barry worked first with the BC Agricultural Land Commission as the Regional and Policy Planner and authored the highly regarded definitive guide, “Planning for Agriculture, Resource Materials”. He later joined the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries’ Resource Management Branch as Senior Land Use Specialist, focused on coordination of the Ministry’s Strengthening Farming program. Barry worked with Dave Sands on the Green Zone Committee and the implementation of the Strengthening Farming program and was awarded “Agriculturalist of the year” in 1996 by the Institute of BC Agrologists.
Please join us for this interesting and informative evening,
July 20, 7:30, Center Stage!
. . . If you eat, you are involved in Agriculture!
Join us in an informative presentation followed by a
question and answer session on the importance of
Agricultural lands in BC’s future!
July 20 Wednesday 7:30 pm
Summerland Center Stage Theatre
Admission for non member by donation
For more information please contact John Cuthbert
( 250 494-7975 )
Guest Speakers~~~ DAVE SANDS & BARRY SMITH
Both speakers have extensive backgrounds and experience in Agricultural Resource and Land use management. Their passion, commitment and dedication to Agriculture continue in their volunteer work and membership in the ALR Protection and Enhancement Committee.
Dave Sands, BSc., P.Ag., is a sustainable agriculture advocate who recently retired as Regional Director for the South Coast Region after 30 years with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. He was the manager for the Commission’s farmland lease program and conducted land evaluations and fine tuning for the ALR. Dave also chaired the Green Zone Committee which developed Codes for agricultural practices for farmers for the protection of the environment and the right to farm legislation. In 1996, Dave Sands was awarded “Agrologist of the year” by the Institute of BC Agrologists and is a founding member of the Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation”
Barry Smith, BES, MA, is a land use planner who has focused on planning issues largely in rural and agricultural settings. From 1981 until 2004 when he retired, Barry worked first with the BC Agricultural Land Commission as the Regional and Policy Planner and authored the highly regarded definitive guide, “Planning for Agriculture, Resource Materials”. He later joined the Ministry of Agriculture Food and Fisheries’ Resource Management Branch as Senior Land Use Specialist, focused on coordination of the Ministry’s Strengthening Farming program. Barry worked with Dave Sands on the Green Zone Committee and the implementation of the Strengthening Farming program and was awarded “Agriculturalist of the year” in 1996 by the Institute of BC Agrologists.
Please join us for this interesting and informative evening,
July 20, 7:30, Center Stage!
I am out of town for a while. Could anyone give a condensed report on the last meeting, please.
Anonymous, at 6:55 a.m.
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