Association of Citizens for Summerland

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Smarter Infrastructure? Green Buildings?

Smart Growth Principle #8 Says " Utilise smarter and cheaper infrastructure and green buildings"

Group C discussed this Summmerland specific question "How could we make our infrastructure smarter and cheaper?"
  • Build less expensively-utilize existing infrastructure more wisely.
  • Change bylaws to be more cost effective
  • More use of alternate energy sources---City to take the lead in this.
  • Incentive based taxes.
  • Inefficiency
  • Utility Grids
I assume that the first item relates to infilling within the sewer specified area and building where roads, water mains, gas and electric already exist

Could someone who took part in this discussion explain the thinking behind the comments "Inefficiency" and "Utility grids"?

A second question posed was "Should an extra development cost Charge be levied on new buildings that do not meet the highest efficiency standards?"

From the notes it appears that this group thought it would be more palatable to start DCCs at a high level and give a deduction to those who built to especially high efficiency standards, rather than charging a penalty for not meeting highest standards.


  • To state the obvious, homes are getting bigger year by year, and are less "green" than they used to be. Large homes use more materials and power to construct and more utilities to heat and light. Detached homes are least efficient because they have so much exterior wall area.

    By Blogger tony cooke, at 12:36 p.m.  

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