Association of Citizens for Summerland

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Public Open House Part 2

We're getting the Penticton Herald this week for no apparent reason. Occasionally it has Summerland news, including this piece about the open house coming up on Feb.22 from 4pm to 9pm:
"Stations will be set up with panels to provide information on a variety of community issues, including:
  • Agriculture (agricultural plan, agricultural advisory committee).
  • Urban area boundaries.
  • Water infrastructure.
  • Lakeside commercial development.
  • Park upgrades (including Dale Meadows).
  • Official community plan -- progress update.
  • Residential development.
  • Institutional development (UBC, Dept. of Agriculture, Summerland University Foundation).
  • Potential gold course development.
  • Downtown densification projects such as Wharton Street.
Councillors, staff, consultants and other experts will be present to answer questions."

It sounds like a pretty ambitious slate, with a few potentially contentious issues. I'm sure it will be a great way the public to learn about what's going on, but I hope the councillors and experts will also take the opportunity to learn from the public. That's assuming that the public shows up.


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