Public Meeting Set!
Association of Citizens for Summerland
“Preserving Summerland’s Unique Character”
170+ members and growing fast!
Next Meeting:
Thursday June 23rd, 7:30, at the Centre Stage Theatre.
“Preserving Summerland’s Unique Character”
170+ members and growing fast!
Next Meeting:
Thursday June 23rd, 7:30, at the Centre Stage Theatre.
1. Business (15 minutes maximum).
2. 20 minute presentation by Evan Parliament on water issues, followed by questions from the floor.
3. 15 minute presentation by Mayor Johnson regarding his position on growth, water and the ALR, followed by questions from the floor.
1. Business (15 minutes maximum).
2. 20 minute presentation by Evan Parliament on water issues, followed by questions from the floor.
3. 15 minute presentation by Mayor Johnson regarding his position on growth, water and the ALR, followed by questions from the floor.
Members and Public Invited!
Come One, Come All~
This meeting is the perfect opportunity to ask those questions that have yet to be answered by the decision makers of this town.
Please, don't be shy! Microphones will be available, and Mayor Johnson and Evan Parliament have committed to taking our questions from the floor regarding water and growth. Examples:
1. Despite the ground water found on the proposed golf course grounds, isn't it true that once built, responsibility for supply and maintenance of potable water to this development will be passed onto the municipality? How is this good for our community?
2. Studies and models have clearly shown that climate change will have a dramatic effect on our water availablity in the next 50 years. How will our decisions today ensure that the next generation will have enough water to supply this community?
3. Are you as mayor prepared to delay any more major decisions on this issue till the municipal elections in order to provide a TRUE picture of community support for this project?
The more questions the better!
We want to have a full house, so if you are able, spread the word. Copy and paste this notice into a document, print it off and post it in your neighbourhood. The politicians need to be made aware of the public interest in this issue.
Amie, at 12:40 p.m.
Hey, great meeting -- nice to see a good turnout.
I thought the CHBC feature tonight was excellent as well.
Jeremy, at 11:12 p.m.
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