ALC Again Asked For Public Hearing
The following letter was sent to the ALC by your Board.
Dear Chairman, Commissioners and Staff Members,
Re: Request for Public Hearing, ALR exclusion applications, Summerland
We understand that Mayor Johnston has requested an unscheduled August Board Meeting re: ALR exclusion applications from Summerland Council. We fiercely oppose this request for a rushed decision. Please allow time and provide a forum for input from the general public in Summerland.
We reiterate our previous requests for a public meeting. The Association has conducted considerable research over the past months into the land known as "Area 11", located in NW Prairie Valley. Our research shows that the reasons given to the ALC over the years to support exclusion of this large parcel from the ALR are not valid.
This is not poor agricultural land. The land has excellent agricultural potential. Extensive research by our agrologists (plus test holes recently dug by Paul Christie) disprove previous assumptions of poor potential. Lack of water was once the controlling issue (it is above the old flume lines). Recent investigation indicates that a substantial amount of water is available in an aquifer.
The land is not needed for growth. Council’s OCP Draft 2 shows that there is enough land for at least 30 years of growth without using any ALR land at all
The release of land from the ALR in Summerland is unnecessary and would be detrimental to the future of Summerland. Please schedule a public hearing so that you can receive all of the information the Association and others have gathered, and allow us to fully express our concerns.
Yours Truly
Dear Chairman, Commissioners and Staff Members,
Re: Request for Public Hearing, ALR exclusion applications, Summerland
We understand that Mayor Johnston has requested an unscheduled August Board Meeting re: ALR exclusion applications from Summerland Council. We fiercely oppose this request for a rushed decision. Please allow time and provide a forum for input from the general public in Summerland.
We reiterate our previous requests for a public meeting. The Association has conducted considerable research over the past months into the land known as "Area 11", located in NW Prairie Valley. Our research shows that the reasons given to the ALC over the years to support exclusion of this large parcel from the ALR are not valid.
This is not poor agricultural land. The land has excellent agricultural potential. Extensive research by our agrologists (plus test holes recently dug by Paul Christie) disprove previous assumptions of poor potential. Lack of water was once the controlling issue (it is above the old flume lines). Recent investigation indicates that a substantial amount of water is available in an aquifer.
The land is not needed for growth. Council’s OCP Draft 2 shows that there is enough land for at least 30 years of growth without using any ALR land at all
The release of land from the ALR in Summerland is unnecessary and would be detrimental to the future of Summerland. Please schedule a public hearing so that you can receive all of the information the Association and others have gathered, and allow us to fully express our concerns.
Yours Truly
A group of us met with Evan P. on the afternoon of the 8th, and as of that date, Evan said that Mr. Christie's report was still underway. The ALC has told us this report would not be released until after the decision is made; however, Evan told us since the municipality is paying for it, it will become public record as soon as he receives a copy. I am sure he won't call to let us know it's in, so we will need to keep asking!
Amie, at 8:53 a.m.
Mr. Cooke,
Didn't your construction business help develp a sprawling La Vista in a perfectly viable orchard in the not too distant past? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Anonymous, at 2:27 p.m.
At least Mr. Cooke's development was very close to downtown & utilized services that were already close by. Not 4 to 5 miles away, or designated park land.
Anonymous, at 3:18 p.m.
If the above statements are true, it does appear Mr. Cooke seems to be hypocritical, as the main basis for the argument against development is the erosion of viable agricultural land in Summerland.
I think that Mr Cooke may have lost some credibility my eyes. I wonder how many other people know that he has turned a viable orchard into a residential development.
Anonymous, at 6:07 p.m.
Dear Anonymous, my Company built the houses in the first phase of La Vista. The land was removed from the ALR long before I became involved as a contractor. We bid for the contract along with other contractors. Should the Council of the day and the ALC have approved removal of the land from the ALR? Perhaps not, but as I had nothing to do with it I have no knowledge of their reasons.
If research proves that the land was good agriculturally, would I today with my older and (maybe) wiser head, have some regrets about winning that contract? Yes.
tony cooke, at 2:21 p.m.
Thank you for clearing up the issue, I take back the comment on being hypocritical, if what you say is true, it was not your decision to have the land taken out. Good to hear.
Anonymous, at 5:29 p.m.
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